Saturday, December 30, 2006

So this is what it's like...

So, here I am really REALLY trying to "let go"... of virtually everything so ingrained in me, that it's really become an intense process. But truly inspired by the radical unschoolers I have had the pleasure of reading of and about, and truly wanting this lifestyle to become so natural that I don't even have to think about it any longer. Just second nature... that would be the accomplished goal here...

This evening I think we are off to a good start. Well, this whole week has been a build up... several 'build up's' of letting go. Of course there have been bits and pieces of every day that I have been really proud of myself, and bits and pieces where I was not the proudest mama in the world. But I do have to say that I am really trying. The funny thing is, I find that all of this time, my husband has always been a radical unschooler, and I have had no clue... not only about the radical unschooling lifestyle, but that HE truly IS an unschooler. (Of course, he would never realize that there is a label for what he does so naturally!)

Anyway... this evening... we're just hanging out. The kids did as they pleased all day long... They've become true 'grazers' in every sense of the word. But Kaidin will still say something to eat is 'some' meal during his day, but meals are somewhat abolished at this point. And I had the FUN luxury of going to the library to read, while SBJ hung out with the kids before he departed for work. After we drove him to work, we decided to head to Target where we could use our fun xmas gift cards! A good 2 hours later, we did SO great that we left the store with bags of goodies, and only $.03 remaining on one of the gift cards! Not too bad, eh?

At home, the kids ventured into all of their new toys, and watched a movie. I was able to get a few things done, and then felt totally exhausted. Kids, however, were sure that they did not want to go to bed. SBJ calls and is ready to leave work, so we decide to go pick him up... Does not seem like such a big deal, but leaving after 9pm with kids in tote to pick him up somewhere has NEVER happened before. Kids just randomly being up 'because they want to' has never happened before either...

Dahlia fought so hard to keep her eyes open until daddy was in the car. The second he gave her his loving hug and kiss hello, she crashed... hard core crashed. Kinda cute...

Kaidin is still up... hanging out behind me blowing air in my hair... it's 'only' 11:10pm, and he is showing no signs of ever going to bed. Me, on the other hand, can not keep my eyes open...

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