Sunday, March 22, 2009

Country Mouse, City Mouse

So recently we went to this really cool, fun beekeeping class out at Deerpath Farms. Cool little 'community'... ironically not very community involved. It's a wonderful development that is purposely underdeveloped to give a large sense of surrounded by nature. The home we met at was beautiful and since then I've been doing some contemplating.

First off.... here's the cool class ; )

And then the contemplating...

Well I occassionally feel like a fish out of water. I feel like the country mouse living in the city. And no matter how much I try to be the country mouse, the pressure of the 'nature' of the city is so influential that I don't feel I'm following my heart all that often. And I'm not even sure I know how else to describe that.

The need to go, go, go by most city mice does not mesh well with me. I am very at ease layin' low, movin' slow and enjoying the whole day on one idea. Being this type of personality, I find it excrutiatingly difficult to maintain this desire with the pressures of what all the other mice do around us! And the more I'm coming to this realization, I recognize that our kiddos are kinda much the same way. Not something I would have necessarily noticed had I not really taken ownership of it myself.

Anyway.... that pondering has grown expenentially and I think it's now time to take it a bit more seriously. I whole-heartedly feel that I'd rather drive 40-60 minutes to our city mice for the day than to force us country mice into the life(style) of city dwellers. We love to explore and our adventures to the city would be just that. But it's time to fit the round peg into the round hole.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I really like this...

"Children are people we should spend a lot of time listening to, as they see the world through eyes untainted by our baggage." ~ J.A. Wood

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big D

So I just had to post this as well tonight b/c she just totally cracks me up. She's totally clingy to me in absolutely most things we do, but this past weekend I had an au pair meeting at the Ev. Police Department. Four times a year I need to do safety training classes with the au pairs and this year the kind Officer Russ was taking care of the training for me AND giving everyone a tour of the station. So cool.... right?

So Miss D really just wanted to go with me so badly. I think it had to do with a morbid obsession about what really happens at the police station.... It probably comes from my repeated statements that someone's going to think something is desperately wrong with her ( in her high-pitched freak-out moments where nothing soothes her) and they will call the police to come check on her! ; ) Not trying to freak her out, but honestly... sometimes I am just totally sure that I will see a squad car pull up in front of our building b/c the neighbors think I am torchering this child!

Anyway, I totally promised her she could go to this meeting with me and last weekend it finally arrived. I had never seen her so totally outgoing, it was a bit scary! ; ) I kept invisioning her growing up to be a cop.... Officer D....

So, we totally had a blast.... loved it. Check her out;

Happy Happy

Dearest Kaidin,
I want to wish you the happiest 7th birthday one could ever dream...

It was a magical day and memories I know I will never forget. Of course, my life with you has been nothing less than magical. I am honored to be your mother. You were born to me for a very very special reason.... part of which I have discovered as these 7 years has unraveled to me, and part of it I have yet to discover. You are an amazing young man with talents deeper than I would have ever imagined. Your heart encompasses all whom you meet and all that share a part of you. You are a precious soul and know that I love you deeply.

Forever Love,

It was a magical week for Kaidin. Monday started with a visit from Grandpa. He joined us on our monthly storytime at the library and then with the amazing weather that day strolled trough downtown Ev. to a favorite restaurant of his for lunch. He loved every second of it, and it was a real special time with G'pa.

Yesterday was a bit more mellow, but only to lead up to out BIG b-day day today! LOT's of friends over to reinact Kaidin's play into a movie!!! Kaidin is writer and director and MAN was that SOOO much fun. What a special day with friends! Pizza, cake, good times had by all!

And a wrap up with dinner with G'ma this evening.... Yet another special event to this amazing day! And presents back home with the 'fam' ! ; )

We love you! ; )

Monday, March 09, 2009

Birthday Coming Up!

So things here feel like they are moving at a very fast pace.... While trying to keep up with everything we are usually up to, there is much more happening as well. Kaidin's show is vast approaching and in the spirit of performing he has written his own play that his friends will be performing in! They will be here for his b-day to make a movie of his play and we are creating costumes, scenery and the like! It's been busy! But just so much fun and exciting.

The whirlwind of it all Dahlia got some wierd stomach bug last Friday. She puked enormously that night and just once more Saturday, so really not that bad. But worse than any of the big kids could ever remember feeling. She has recovered quickly, but you can tell there are times when she's just too scared to eat something. The sweet stuff has no problem going down nicely though! ; )

Other, Dad sent me this cool link and I really really like this. Not only how amazing it plays out forwards and backwards, but the impact the words have. Check THIS out!