Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm getting a little frustrated. I need to get a particular project done and feeling like I have no time to truly work on it. Granted, I've enjoyed every second not working on it, so it's hard to be that frustrated, yet I'd love to actually accomplish it and not finding the time to do so, aside from staying up till 1am every night doin' so, and this is just not cutting it anymore. I need *some* sleep!!!

Anyhoo-- lives been so much fun lately... of course. After Shea's birthday celebration we went to the Mayor Dayley's Kids and Kites Fest with Seringe. That was super fun. Had our kite at the end of it's line a full 300 ft in the air. Beautiful down there by the lakefront!

I had 2 days where I was able to have date-days with each of the older two. They really have seemed to need more of that one-on-one lately. And I can recognize that they have been feeling more independent than they'd like to be right now. So trying to adjust that a bit more. (Part of that is me trying to get a bit of work done during the day, but I recognize their need for me to be fully present and less independent during that time.... ahhh.... finding balance!)

Last week we had a few playdates and EHE park day, before Shea got a fever-type sick. Then he was better and we had a couple playdates, a trip to the Children's Museum of Immigration that was super fun, but glad it was free ; ) . And then we picked up rackets at the thrift store and Kaidin's really been interested in tennis lately! He's really liked the sport and interested in lessons, which is pretty fun. We had an impromptu tennis date and lunch with Grandpa last week before our EHE park day. And even dragged Seringe out to play tennis this past weekend. 

This of course, is in between Shea getting sick again, this time with a cold. Poor guy. He's been hit hard in the last 2 weeks. Part of me thinks it has to do with the amount of solids he's eaten on/since his b-day and how that may have made his immune quite low (less breastmilk).... but that's a proud nursing-mama's philosophy. At least now, he's on the mends and everyone seems to be doing well.

I had one of my frustrating "maybe school would be a good thing" days.... That usually passes quite quickly. But I was at witts end today. I had thought a nice bike ride would help us, and I really truly wanted them to ride in the trailer so I could haul a long distance and get a good work out, but K and D were sure they wanted to ride their own bikes. UGH. Sign for disaster. K has the tendency to not watch where he's going and runs into a lot of things. D tends to use the tip of her sandals to stop.... ruining the pair of shoes we just bought about a week or two ago.... that were intended to last the whole summer. In doing this, she also got her foot cut under and twisted in her one and only training wheel.... ugh... I was sure we were not going to escape the ER today.

Anyhow... today ended up much better. I'm up late doing the writing project and really hoping I can stay on my personally scheduled goal. I want to complete the project by the 1st and have it up and running and selling. With only 2 weeks left I will be grateful to have the project done and editing the first week of June and selling soon after. 

Tomorrow we have a museum date with Grandma. We are visiting the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture. We'll seee how that goes. I'm excited about the adventure with the kids. We will even sample to ethnic food as well.....

This reminds me that Facebook brought about an unexpected 'friend'.... a distand cousin on my mom's side found me and man, she is the family historian! She's sent me some cool family tree info and pix. It's been fun hearing from her!

Dahlia's b-day is next week! Random thought there... she is very excited, and I swear she's grown a couple inches for the occassion.... ; )

Time to get reading/writin'! 

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