Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Happy

Dearest Kaidin,
I want to wish you the happiest 7th birthday one could ever dream...

It was a magical day and memories I know I will never forget. Of course, my life with you has been nothing less than magical. I am honored to be your mother. You were born to me for a very very special reason.... part of which I have discovered as these 7 years has unraveled to me, and part of it I have yet to discover. You are an amazing young man with talents deeper than I would have ever imagined. Your heart encompasses all whom you meet and all that share a part of you. You are a precious soul and know that I love you deeply.

Forever Love,

It was a magical week for Kaidin. Monday started with a visit from Grandpa. He joined us on our monthly storytime at the library and then with the amazing weather that day strolled trough downtown Ev. to a favorite restaurant of his for lunch. He loved every second of it, and it was a real special time with G'pa.

Yesterday was a bit more mellow, but only to lead up to out BIG b-day day today! LOT's of friends over to reinact Kaidin's play into a movie!!! Kaidin is writer and director and MAN was that SOOO much fun. What a special day with friends! Pizza, cake, good times had by all!

And a wrap up with dinner with G'ma this evening.... Yet another special event to this amazing day! And presents back home with the 'fam' ! ; )

We love you! ; )

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