Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wonderful Holidays

Things have been quite busy at Jarjusey Kunda. Since last I touched base, we've had plenty of playgroups, study groups, field trips, holiday shopping, playdates, classes ending and starting, a fun holiday cookie exchange and of course.... christmas!

Feeling quite broke at this time of the year, and eager to file the tax return = ) the kids are thoroughly enjoying their holiday stash. This year we had the luxury of having 3 full days of xmas. The first day was over at grandpa's for a nice xmas dinner. Then xmas eve was hosted at our place with mom and p & j. Quite a nice day. The kids were quite sad when everyone had to go home. Then xmas day we had fun with family presents and went to see a new movie that started that day. Did not have any idea that the theater would be as crowded as it was! It was so packed we could hardly belief our eyes! And here I thought I had a creative way to spend out xmas day together! = )

Since, Dahlia has started an ice skating class that she really seems to love. I am out there on the ice with her this time around, hoping she really gets the hang of things before I get too big to be out there on the ice! G'ma gave her the cutest white skates for xmas and she is eager to try them out! She has a week off of class this week, and then next week, Kaidin's karate starts up again. It will be a fun family Saturday of karate followed by ice skating. The kids (as well as Seringe!) are eager that daddy gets to come and watch them. This will be a special time for all.

Other... since it's between xmas and new year's it seems lot's of friends have traveled and classes not being held, so we are just hanging loose. Playing with our xmas goodies. Kids love their stash, and I as well. I received a new bread maker that is becoming a new thing for me. My first loaf yesterday, though did not rise as well as it should have, was still quite tasty and disappeared before the end of the day. Kaidin, I think, was the biggest fan of that first loaf. My second loaf today did not go as smoothly. I am certain there was just not enough liquid in the mixture to get the dough doughy enough to get going. At one point I just had to stop the cycle and toss it. It was lookin' pretty sad. Tomorrow I will try another, and with luck have a success. It's fun experimenting.

Also receive the magic bullet and the george foreman (serving for 4!!!). It's funny b/c I have a george that only holds 2 servings so often I would have half a dinner ready, getting cold, while I was trying to get the other half ready. Last night I was able to get all 4 turkey burgers on at one time! What a luxury!

So, trying to connect with friends that are around and in town, and working on CCAP as well as getting the carrier business going. I did not have luck with ebay in the last few weeks, so attempting to get myself together more (ie. an official carrier name, copyright and website up and running) before I start selling on ebay again. I'm eager to get that going and do hope that things take off soon.

Next week we have a second ultrasound.... OH! I guess I did not add that to my first list of what's been going on! But we had our 20 week ultrasound and that was so fun and exciting! Baby's spine was facing outward, so the dr's could not get the shots of the heart that they'd like to have at this point in time, so we need to go back in on Monday to get those pic's. Fortunately they did see a very strong heartbeat and 4 chambers, so nothing looks concering. Nonetheless they'd like to have some more shots to complete the full ultrasound screening. Soon after that, we will be trying out a new practice, of which I am very hopeful about. I am sure the switch just has to be worth it at this point in time! It's hard to believe we are more than half way through this pregnancy! Where does the time go?!

Study group is in our hands in the next week and half, and we are sort of lagging in getting things together. The kids have picked topics and seem quite happy with their decisions... Kaidin is doing cavemen and Dahlia the t-rex. We just need to get moving and out of the holiday/vacation fog that we've been pondering in and enjoying quite a bit!

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